Call: 212-362-7010
Approved as an Early Intervention Provider (EIP) through the Department of Health MPC is approved to provide services to infants up to age three in NYC, Nassau & Suffolk Counties.

BIRTH - 3 years old
Special Instruction
ABA Services
Occupational Therapy
Social Work
Service Coordination
Speech Therapy
Early Intervention
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program funded by New York State and county governments for children birth to three years of age who have or are suspected of having a developmental delay and/or disability. Potentially eligible children must be referred directly to the municipality of residence (in NYC dial 311 and request an EI referral).
A child’s eligibility for the EIP can be determined only by state-approved evaluators under contract with the state/municipality. If a child is found eligible for the EIP, all necessary EIP services are identified, in collaboration with the parent, and must be authorized by the municipality. The municipality, together with the parent, will select the provider agency or agencies that will work with the child and family.
All EIP services are provided at no out of pocket cost to parents; however, a child’s health insurance information is collected and used to cover some service costs for approved services. Health insurance is not required to participate in the EIP. If services are delivered in childcare settings or community locations that require a fee, the parent is responsible for paying the fee and any associated costs.
The Marie Pense Center is an approved Early Intervention Program and has an agreement with the NYS Department of Health as a provider of EIP services. For additional information about our program please contact us at 212-362-7010.
Is the term used to describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.
May include speech therapy, physical therapy, and other types of services based on the needs of the child and family.
Can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and overcome challenges and can increase success in school and life.
Programs are available in every state and territory (see each program’s contact information below). These publicly funded programs provide services for free or at reduced cost for any child who is eligible.